Welcome to Rice Proteome Map Database
The Rice Proteome Map Database 1.0 (RPMD) is a database for the proteins of the rice(Oryza Sativa L.). RPMD is the first large scale shotgun proteome database for main organs and tissues (Leaf, Root, Stem, Ovary, Anther and Seed) of rice. RPMD contains entries for each characterized proteins by mass spectrometry approaches until now (2019.02). Contained in RPMD are the xperimentally determined peptides of each proteins with calculated properties such as molecular weight. Quantification informations of genes in transcriptome-level, translatome-level and proteome-level are also displayed.
Rice proteome
Organs/Tissues 12
Genes identified 16090
Proteins 17401
Peptide sequenses 248624
AB SCIEX 6600 spectra23101268
Thermo Orbitrap Fusion Lumos spectra3207708
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